xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> One Such Child: "Genuine Humility"

Monday, June 24, 2013

"Genuine Humility"

A few years ago in divinity school, I (Nathan) read a statement by theologian John Milbank, claiming that the bane of contemporary western culture is "false humility". I have pondered the meaning of that claim for several years now, and the longer I live in this age of cultural divisiveness, the more I see the need for "genuine humility" in our public life together. Just imagine how different our cultural rhetoric would be if politicians, journalist, pastors, etc., would humbly reflect upon our need to enrich our common humanity (even that of our enemies!) prior to whipping out the scalpel of our ideology and dividing the world into the "us/them" categories that define us first by labels rather than first as fellow children of God. 

But assuming for a moment that a person desired the virtue of humility, how would one attain it? Unlike honesty or patience, which can be practiced by force of habit toward our neighbors, humility is primarily an interior matter - a state of mind and heart emerging from our character. I mean, trying to adopt an inner disposition like humility is like deciding not to think about the color blue - which immediately causes the opposite. Humility is not simply a virtue that can be "willed", it is something that needs to be inflicted or imposed upon us from the outside. So if you are looking to become more humble, I think I have found a winning formula. 

Prayerfully discern and then courageously step out on faith to follow the will of God.

Our family's desire to adopt has been born out of this exercise - to discern and follow God's leading. Yes, God had given Kameron and I a desire for three children and yes we believe we could offer a loving home to a child who needed one. But we have no reason to believe that we are unable to have third child naturally. For us, the decision to adopt was this persistant small voice in our minds and hearts that if God has been so gracious as to adopt us, then perhaps we could do the same for child somewhere in this vast world. 

But we knew we could not do this alone. We would need the support of friends and family who would believe in this calling and be willing to share it. 

So over the last few weeks, we stepped out on faith and invited people we know to be a part of this journey. Kameron has baked and delivered 26 pound cakes and has orders currently for 10 more. We have sent letters to loved ones inviting prayers of blessing and support. The expressions of support, the prayers, and encouraging words have been simply beautiful - and humbling. Very humbling.

We have received cake orders from strangers who simply believe in this endeavor and are willing to pay $30 for pound cake (although they are worth it!). We have received generous gifts from young friends who have given not because they had money to spare, but because they want to make a difference in a child's life. We have read prayers of encouragement for us and prayers of love for an unknown child, prayers that will bring tears to your eyes. Each of these has been a means of grace to us and our future child. 

And while the support we have received is not for "us" and instead is for the larger purpose, we get to be on the receiving end of that support. We - me, Kameron, Henry and Amelia, all human beings with accompanying flaws (I having the most) - are getting a front row seat and VIP passes to see God's grace being poured into this whole process. To see this beautiful working of the Holy Spirit through people's lives into ours, and to know to my unworthiness to be part of it, has imposed upon me a wonderful, burning humility that is changing me in a way that I could never do through my own power. 

I guess this life changing process is teaching me what the Apostle Paul has been trying to teach me all my life, to "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:5-8, NRSV). 

So "Thank you!" to those who have already been to so gracious to us, for fostering in me and my family, genuine humility. 

We deeply desire to show God’s love to one of His own by making him or her one of our own. Please be in prayer for all five of us during this journey.
In God’s grace,
Nathan, Kameron, J. Henry & Amelia (and Baby Number Three!)

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